Your Heart
9 The heart is
deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9 is so true. The heart of man is poisonous. With our heart we commit our lives to God, but with our heart we knowingly fall into sin. How hypocritical is that? This is something that we at some point in our life are guilty of. Today, what is the condition of your heart? Is your heart beating for God? During cell, Ah pa shared 3 Characteristics that our hearts should possess.
Pure Heart to
See Him
Simple Heart to
Follow Him
Undivided Heart to
Serve Him
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the
wellspring of life.
Lets have a heart that is Pure, Simple and Undivided. Many a time, we are busied by our commitments that we have and God just slips off our mind. Has it ever occurred to you that your heart is cold and hardened towards God? Have you lost your sensitivity towards the Holy Spirit? Well, it all boils down to your heart.
Recently, I was involved in CIP at a society for the handicapped. I encountered people who are handicapped. Honestly, no one in the right frame of mind would ever choose to be handicapped. I was touched and guilty of being nonchalant and ignorant of the difficulties they faced. Some had no limbs, no arms, no legs, others were wheel-chair bound for life. Life for them is really tough and hard. I started thanking God that I am born without any problems. I started claiming that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
14 I praise you because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
It is the same as our hearts. Lets not wait until we are "woken up" by God or by a situation. The same goes for the 40 day fast. A symbol of our hunger and love for Him. Pastor doesn't want us to wait for sanctification week to enter that period but instead, we have to change the attitude of our heart and prepare ourselves for it.
1. A Psalm a Day
2. Fasting A Meal
3. Fasting Computer Games and TV.
4. Prayer / Time with God 1 Hour a Day.
SOAK in His Presence!!
Characteristics of God from Psalms
Thank God, I've stayed true to reading a psalm a day. Reminder that although it is a "corporate project", it is just a significant act that we
put God first everyday. First moments in the morning goes to the time spent with God and rightly so. I'm glad to say, my spirit is so much more joyful and assured every morning as I go to school. I find myself enjoying everything I do and I thank God for that.
Through Psalms, there is so many characteristics of God that we can find. What I remember the most are:
Psalm 5:11 - Protector 11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your
protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 6:4 - Loving 4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me;
save me because of your
unfailing love.Psalm 11:7 - Righteous7 For the LORD is
he loves justice;
upright men will see his face.
Psalm 23:1 - Shepherd 1 The LORD is my
shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Psalm 28:1 - God is our Rock1 To you I call,
O LORD my Rock;
do not turn a deaf ear to me.
For if you remain silent,
I will be like those who have gone down to the pit.
Psalm 40:5 - Miracle Worker 5 Many, O LORD my God,
are the
wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us
no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them,
they would be too many to declare.
As you read Psalms daily, do make it a point to read with a heart that wants to know God more and more, including His characteristics. I am sure many more characteristics of God will surface as we read psalms with an
attentive and willing spirit, let the Holy Spirit reveal more to you! Bless you!